Numerology Course 

生命數字是一門古老卻又非常有趣的科學。最早的系統來自卡巴拉 (Kabbala)。古希臘哲學家及數學家畢達哥拉斯(Pythagoras) 認為數為萬物的本質,生命數字便是基於此概念而生。透過簡單計算及繪畫圖表,你會清晰地看到自己的生命藍圖。藍圖上的每一個數字都是一種獨特能量,這些能量能顯示每個人真實的本性和發揮潛能的根源,以及它如何直接影響我們的機遇,也是一道讓我們窺探內心世界的鑰匙。

Numerology is an ancient and interesting science. The earliest system came from Kabbala. Ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, Pythagoras, believed numbers are the origin of everything in the world, and this is how the system of numerology developed. Through simple calculations and drawing charts, you will be able to see the blueprints of your life clearly. Every number on the blueprint is a unique energy. These energy can show the true nature and potential of a person, and how these will affect our destiny. It is also a key to access our inner world.

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