
塔羅牌是其中一種古老而有效的'心靈成長工具,幫助使用者藉由它內在圖像、顏色、符號等和潛意識及較高意識的連接以達到對自己及他人的了解。 我們潛意識所壓抑的情緒,並非源自潛意識。相反那是意識不肯面對的一種結果,透過解讀,我們便能讓對方因明白理解而轉化狀況。

請相信每個人的生命,都是由自己去創造,藉由人生舞台去體驗自己創造力,所以你會發現,根本沒有絶對的好牌或不好的牌義出現,當你能引領對方看出二元對立面的時候,,便能幫助對方邁向"合一" 旅途上。 在這新時代中,其實塔羅牌之用途,是可以超脫算命形式的限制性,,我們更應將這工具,回歸到真正成長用途之上。


Tarot is one of the oldest and effective "spiritual tool", through its images, colors, symbols and etc to help users by connecting sub-consciousness and higher consciousness to establish the understanding between yourself and others. Our sub-consciousness suppressed emotions are not coming from the subconscious, it is indeed a result of refuses to face the truth from consciousness. Through Tarot interpretation, we are able to let each other to aware and transformed the situation.

Please believe that every human create their own life, they will experience their life creativity through their own life experience. Therefore you will find that there is no absolute good cards or bad cards, when you are able to lead others to aware of binary opposition, it will be helping others to unity. Tarot card should now move out from as a medium for fortune telling, in this new era, it is now returning to its true use, as a tool for awareness and consciousness.

Anyone can learn how to use Tarot for training your intuition. Having this tool in your life is like having a wise and intimate friend always available to give advice and clarity.

co organizers:
静心轩.身心灵充电站  (Simply Place)
No. 86-2, Lorong Laksamana Cheng Ho 5,
75000, Melaka, Malaysia.
tel :012-6011635 / 016-6700336

Personal growth centre
address: 64c Faber plaza Jalan desa bakti taman desa ,58100,kuala lumpur

Tel :03 79723256
Fb:personal growth centre

Date Time Fees
25/04/2014 (fri) 07.30 pm - 10.00 pm Early Bird RM 1500
Before 15/09/2013 RM 1500
After 16/09/2013 RM 1980
26/04/2014 (Sat) 10.00 pm - 10.00 pm
Member RM1450
27/04/2014 (Sun) 10.00 pm - 10.00 pm
* 補課rm 500(一次性付费,永久性使用)
* 新會員會將收取rm 100永久性會員費 不包括指定用之塔羅牌,可在中心購買



陈文举 (Michelle Chan)

鄭心文﹝Tarhela Amanda﹞是一位知名的藝術療癒工作者,生活在馬來西亞的香港人,之前為香港葛亮洪心肺專科醫生護士。從治療身體上的痛楚到現在的藝術心靈治療,都讓她突破生命中的無限,她深信"生命就如藝術,藝術等同於生命"。所以,每一個人都一定是他自己生命的藝術家。追求內在生活品質及身,心,靈平衡。這正是對自己生命應有的態度,真正用"愛","慈悲"及"寬恕"對待自己,他人及地球,將會是未來個人覺醒的新一個轉化時代。

37曾 跟隨英國直覺力大師 Mangala Billson 啟發直覺感應力,超感官覺知、James Wanless, Ph.D. 學習 New Age Voyager Tarot ; Swami Prema Sarovara 學習顔色治療;NLP 執行師,Usui Tibetan Reiki Master & Karuna Reiki Master ;laughter yoga teacher 夏威夷Huna 。再運用多年治療經驗而創立出新的療癒方法"靈魂能量對話",她深信透過與每位靈魂相遇,讓大家一同走向成長及回家之路。於2004 在馬來西亞成立〝個人成長中心〞Personal Growth Centre。不斷引進不同層面的藝術心靈成長課程。讓大家能有一個洗滌心靈的舒適地方。

37曾任多屆馬來西亞 ASTRO 華裔小姐賽前預測顧問及 馬來西亞TV3、RTM2、988電台、中國報、星洲日報、風采等多個媒體專訪。亦為多本雜誌開設藝術心靈成長專欄。

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Jalan Desa Bakti,
Taman Desa,
58100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Telephone: +(603) 7980 0616 
Mobile: +(6016) 333 3380

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